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The health and well-being of European citizens are determined by aspects of their everyday life, including economic circumstances, social dynamics and the quality of their natural and living environments. These different dimensions are not isolated but interact in a complex nexus to deliver a living experience specific to each individual. Agreed in 2017, the Ostrava Declaration summarises the priorities in these areas in the WHO European region, resolving to protect and promote health and well-being and prevent premature deaths, diseases and inequalities related to environmental pollution and degradation (WHO Europe, 2017a).
In the EU, the ambitious new agenda of the European Commission, the European Green Deal, recognises that good health is closely connected to the state of our environment and aims to protect the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts The 2030 agenda for sustainable development, adopted by all United Nations (UN) Member States in 2015, sets out goals and targets for action over the next decade. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address multiple aspects of human development, including improved health, poverty alleviation, education etc.
Being able to be a physically and mentally healthy individual is in the right interaction with the nutritional status. Achieving this requires the individual to gain sufficient and balanced eating habits starting from the family. Bodily and With the presence of mentally healthy and talented individuals, a country can reach the desired level of civilization economically and socially. Not only food access and / or purchasing power, but also nutritional information should be considered as an important factor in choosing the right and healthy food. Inadequate or incorrect nutritional information also affects food selection, indirectly causing great damage in the structure, economic power and health expenditures of societies and can cause irreversible situations.

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